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production dates

Spoleto, Italy
Spoleto 55 Festival dei due mondi
Teatro Nuovo
5-7 July 2012

After his brilliant version of The Threepenny Opera, and the premiere of Shakespeare?s Sonnets, Robert Wilson pursues his work with Berliner Ensemble, the theater founded by Bertolt Brecht, revisiting a masterpiece of German expressionism: Frank Wedekind's Lulu, which inspired the film by Pabst and the opera by Alban Berg. The performers, with an astonishing Angela Winkler, and some of Wilson's longtime collaborators - the costume designer Jacques Reynaud and the musician Lou Reed - throw themselves into this gigantic work. Lulu was created by joining two pieces, The Spirit of the Earth and Pandora's Box, whose amorality caused problems with censorship in the early twentieth century. However, behind the story of this woman?s scandalous rise and fall, there lies both a great modern tragedy and a dazzling ode to freedom.



by Frank Wedekind Lulu Angela Winkler
Martha contessa von Geschwitz Anke Engelsmann
Schigolch Jurgen Holtz
Doctor Goll / Rodrigo Quast Francesco Cordella
Eduard Schwarz Ulrich Brandhoff
Doctor Franz Schoning Alexander Lang
Alwa Schoning Markus Gertken
Ferdinand Marko Schmidt
Mr Hopkins Alexander Ebeert
Kungu Poti Boris Jacoby
Doctor Hilti Jorg Thieme
Jack Sabin Tambrea
Ruth Ruth Gloss

drums and musical insertions Stefan Rager
keyboard and cello Ulf Borgwardt
guitar Dominic Bouffard
bugle, cello and harmonica Friedrich Paravicini
bass Ofer Wetzler
sound effects Joe Bauer

direction, stage and lights Robert Wilson
music and songs Lou Reed
costumes Jacques Reynaud
co-director Ann-Christin Rommen
text version and dramaturgy Jutta Ferbers
collaborator to set design Serge von Arx
collaborator to costumes Yashi Tabassomi
musical director Stefan Rager
collaborators to music Hal Willner, Ulrich Maiss, Sarth Calhoun
lighting Ulrich Eh
technical director Stephan Besson
tailoring and makeup Barbara Naujok
sound engineer Alexander Bramann
prompter Barbara Matte
stage manager Haral Boegen, Rainer Manja
a production by Berliner Ensemble
in collaboration with Change Performing Arts.